Saturday, 29 August 2009

Shuttle STS128 launch over Europe

Only the second time the Shuttle has launched towards Europe.
Captured at 0420 UTC as it went overhead and into the SE through Orion.
Canon EOS 5D 28mm f4 30" exposure ISO1000.

First Solar Images

Taken yesterday actually - PST with 2 x Cemax barlow. On fixed Manfrotto camera tripod. Skynyx 2.1M. Processed Registax 5 / CS2.

I am pleased with these first results - impressions are the PST is a good one.

Monday, 24 August 2009

NGC 7635 Ha 22.08.09

9 x 10min Ha shots binned 2 x 2

Took some O3 and S2 too but had guiding issues so not worth using.